Thursday, September 25, 2008

Portland, OR

Stanley went to Portland Oregon for the Pacific Northwest Institute on Special Education Law.

It was a very long car ride, but Stanley took his friend Hanu with him.

Stanley and Hanu stayed at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Portland. Their room was on the 5th floor and they could see a lot from the window.

They also had a very large bed to sleep in.

In the morning, they ordered breakfast from room service. Hanu ate the fruit. Stanley had an omelet. Stanley checked his e-mail, then headed off to the conference.

Stanley took a train called, The Max, from the hotel to the conference.

Here is what it looks like when you are riding on the Max.

The conference was held at the Oregon Convention Center.

Stanley went to lots of classes on thing like Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses as a referral tool; Confidentiality, Test Protocols and Student Records; Parents' Rights; 9th Circuit Case Law Update; and Ethics.

Stanley learned a lot, and drank a lot of tea.

Stanley met a lot of people - School administrators, Special Education Teachers, Attorneys, Parents, and advocates. He even made some new friends.

Stanley had lunch at the conference and listened to a presentation on an inclusion program called SHINE. Stanley thought this program was a great idea for more social integration at school for students with disabilities.

Stanley bought some new reference books for his library.

It was a fun trip, but Stanley was glad to go home.


tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

hahaha I love it!!

Amy said...

Stanley sure seemed to be having a good time - tell him he's VERY photogenic, but I think he's cuter in person.